I remember the St. Moritz Inn - 1962-66. Marv Fleischman (Boys Head Counselor, myself and my brother Dave used to go there some afternoons for beers and many evenings (with Marv's wife Lee), for some good meals.

I even remember one incident at night where Marv caught some older teenagers from another camp at the Inn. They had snuck onto campus to the infirmary (earlier in the day) which was in Siberia and peeked in the windows. Marv really scared them one night at the Inn (he grabbed one kid by the neck and just pulled him out of the chair), and they never bothered Pokono-Ramona again.

I also remember when some of the waiters in '62 broke Ted Blecker's (a counselor) nose in a fight. We had some very tough camper waiters in 1962. Towards the end of that summer (I think), some were arrested for stealing cases of beer from the Inn. I think the owners took care of the "arrest" and the boys were sent home.

Myron Weintraub
Bunk 6 in 1962 Color War General of the Maroon team-theme New Yorkers (my nickname for the next 4 years became Myroon), and I was the General of the Maroon Team for 4 years.

Division Head 63-65
Athletic Director 66

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